Tabulate Single Binary Diagnostic Test vs. Gold-Standard
Produces a contingency table of results from a single binary diagnostic test vs. the gold-standard results.
- d
A numeric vector specifying the gold-standard results (1 = presence of disease, 0 = absence of disease).
- y
A numeric vector specifying the results of the diagnostic test (1 = positive, 0 = negative).
- data
An optional data frame, list or environment containing the required variables
.- testname
An optional character variable specifying the name of the diagnostic test, e.g.
c("Test A")
. If not supplied, the variable name is used as the testname.- ...
Additional arguments (usually not required).
Returns a list of class tab.1test
- tab.1test
A contingency table (matrix) of test results.
Diseased Non-diseased Total Test pos. ... ... ... Test neg. ... ... ... Total ... ... ... - testname
The name of the diagnostic test.
Objects of class tab.1test
are required as arguments for acc.1test
, a function to compute the accuracy of a binary diagnostic test.
data(Paired1) # Hypothetical study data
a <- tab.1test(d=d, y=y1, data=Paired1)
#> List of 2
#> $ tab.1test: num [1:3, 1:3] 397 54 451 84 177 261 481 231 712
#> ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#> .. ..$ : chr [1:3] "Test pos." "Test neg." "Total"
#> .. ..$ : chr [1:3] "Diseased" "Non-diseased" "Total"
#> $ testname : chr "y1"
#> - attr(*, "class")= chr "tab.1test"
#> Diseased Non-diseased Total
#> Test pos. 397 84 481
#> Test neg. 54 177 231
#> Total 451 261 712
#> Binary diagnostic test 'y1'
#> Diseased Non-diseased Total
#> Test pos. 397 84 481
#> Test neg. 54 177 231
#> Total 451 261 712